Cindy's Early Modern Blog Exhibit
Paths of Glory: Nevinson,CRW~1917 This painting was created in Britain and is currently located in the Imperial War Museum in London. This is one of Nevinson's most famous paintings. The painting is showing two dead British soldiers laying on the ground, abandoned. Sadly, this happened quite often in WW1 because the amount of casualties were too many to keep up with. You can see how the ground is littered with all sorts of things and the wire fence is worn out, showing that there has been a long battle happening on those grounds. The artist used a lot of colors and it almost looks sloppy, but it gives you that feeling of a war happening because of the "messy" look. It is a very sad piece of art and I don't believe I would own it just because there are dead soldiers in it and I wouldn't want to look at it everyday. The history behind this piece is incredible and a great representation of WW1 and the soldiers who didn't make it back. A Battery Shelled: Percy ...